
Sunday, September 16, 2012

HOW I DID IT: Break-up recovery tips for women

Yesterday, I bumped into a former professor. I was surprised that she looked much older (the last time I saw her was only several months back). Her eyes were also red and puffy, as though she’d just cried. We were pretty tight back in college so I asked her why. Turned out, she’s been in a break-up. Worse, it’s been a year since and she apparently hasn’t gotten over it yet.

 We decided to sit down and talk. We found a secluded part of the campus and there she spilled out to me the details. They were together for four years and parted late last year due to “irreconcilable differences.” Until now, she admits she hasn’t completely moved on. And it showed! When it was my turn to share with her, I told her that I’ve recently gone through a break-up myself. I told her it had been six months since my break-up. I told her how I’ve coped, how I was able to turn my life around. I told her that when I’ve finally learned to ‘let go and let God,’ things have started looking up for me.  The event turned out to be a blessing to me after all.

 She said, “How did you do it? Tell me.” And I did. I didn’t imagine that I would one day advise other women, let alone a former professor, on how to recover from a painful break-up. But God, when He allowed this trial to happen to me, must’ve known I would one day be an instrument and (hopefully) an inspiration to other women. I remember a line from the book of Psalm: “My life is an example to many because you have been my strength and my protection.” (Ps. 71:7) that pretty much sums up what I feel right now.

Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of sad stories about women whose break-ups have so badly affected them, one story even ended in suicide.

Things like this shouldn’t even happen. It prompted me to make it my personal advocacy to help those who are going through the same by sharing some of what I’ve learned. Now, there is no cut-and-dried formula when it comes to break-up recovery. I just know that if these worked for me, I urge you to try them out for yourself. You’ve got nothing to lose anyway. So, if you are a single woman still struggling with memories and remorse over love lost, I pray that these tips would help you, and like me, be able to turn your feelings of defeat into triumph.  

1. No contact 

 One of the biggest mistakes we make after a break-up is to try to win the person back by calling and texting them incessantly. I remember the first few weeks after my break-up, I bombarded my ex’s phone with lengthy texts, appealing to his guilt, pleading him to stay. After nagging him for some time, he decided to reject my calls and ignore me completely. I later realized how clingy I had become. And clingly = unattractive. Chasing after a guy sends a clear message: desperation. Besides, it might only further inflate his ego. Chances are he might stall you for some time, while he enjoys the attention.

Men are repulsed when women chase after them. After all, it is a man’s nature to pursue. When roles are reversed, things could turn ugly. So don’t ever chase after your guy. Freedom is the utmost importance to a man. Don’t call, text, chat or email him, especially if your motives are to get back together. Wait for him to make the first move. If he still wants you, he will.


 My advice is to keep a no-contact rule for at least 60 days. They say it takes about that long a time to form a habit. In the meantime, keep yourself busy. This is probably the most difficult part of the process, but trust me, it works. This no-contact includes keeping yourself from stalking your ex on Facebook or Twitter.

Remember, it is not your obligation to suffer. We may not admit it, but most of our pain are self-inflicted. You know you shouldn’t be looking at you ex’s photos anymore, but you do. Stop torturing yourself. The quickest way I got over my ex is when I stopped asking about him. The less I know, the less I hurt. Don’t they say that “ignorance is bliss”? It’s true!

  2. Stop over-idealizing your ex 

One common thing I noticed among women who couldn’t get over their exes is that they over-idealize them. When we are so in-love, our perception of our mates tend to be clouded and biased. Isn't the "heart the most deceitful of all things? (Jeremiah 17:9)Women are particularly guilty of this. We magnify our men’s good qualities and discard the bad ones. Sadly, this perception carries over until after the break-up. We’d often hear women cry, “He’s the best. There’s no one like him.” This is a very unhealthy line of thinking and could later result to losing one’s self-esteem.

Michelle Hammond, Christian woman and author of ‘What to do until love finds you’, says “It is hard to see the trees if you stand too close to the forest.” It usually takes a step back in order to better get a view of a situation. While you were so in love with your ex, all you could see were how perfect his set of white teeth were, how he was so good in Math, or how sweetly he sang. What you might’ve overlooked were the things that you didn’t have in common. You must’ve thought these things to be trivial. But isn’t that big problems start small?

Stop over-idealizing your ex. Put them down that pedestal. More often than not, they don’t deserve to be there. Worship is anything you lift up as a priority. “Worshiping” your ex is idolatry. And idolatry, as you may very well know, is sin.

3. Have a life 

Instead of wallowing with your girlfriends, or strategizing the best way to get your ex back, get a life! Your ex is likely having the time of his life without you (mostly true if he’s the dumper). Don’t ever allow yourself to be stuck in the losing end.

Broaden your territory. Get out of your comfort zone. Go out and meet as many people with different interests and backgrounds. You will likely discover new things about yourself in the process. Things you don’t even know about yourself. Through interaction with other people, you’ll also learn to rid of stereotypes and be more sociable.

Meeting people and engaging in new activities is also a way to keep your mind off your break-up. An old adage goes, “the idle mind is the playground of the devil.” You don’t want the enemy running free in your mind, feeding you with His lies, do you? So keep yourself busy. Be productive. Aim for a promotion at work. Learn a new hobby or craft. Plan a trip. Start a blog (I did!). Make a scrapbook. Watch a movie. Sign up for the gym. The list goes on… you’ll see that there are tons of interesting things to do with all the extra time you have in your hands.


There was a time after the break-up when workload was too much. I complained to a friend that I was so busy with work that I couldn’t even “grieve” the demise of my relationship. But in retrospect, I know that being busy then was one of God’s little favors. He had kept me so busy that I did not have idle time to waste in useless wallowing and self-pity. The Bible says, “God keeps such people so busy enjoying life that they take no time brooding over the past.” (Ecclesiates 5:20)

4. Love yourself 

Now is the time to invest in yourself. Make yourself better physically, intellectually, emotionally and professionally. Pamper yourself, girl. Go to a spa. Get that haircut you’ve always wanted. Learn to do your make-up. Catch up on your reading. Re-paint your room. Small things like this lead to big things collectively. When you start feeling good about yourself, it’ll show in your actions and radiate in your face. Women who are confident in their own beauty reflect a natural glow that no store-bought mist can give. Remember, you are already beautiful in God’s eyes. Weren’t you “fearfully and wonderfully made”? (Psalm 139:14).

Improving yourself does two things: first, it shows your ex that the heartbreak he caused you had not crushed you, but made you better. Secondly, it regains lost confidence. Doesn’t it make you feel good when people compliment you for the way you dress or how much pounds you’ve lost? Becoming better after a break-up, they say, is the sweetest form of revenge. But more importantly, do it for yourself.    

5. Shift your focus to God 

When a piece of appliance gets broken, you bring it to the manufacturer for repair. It is the same with our hearts. When your heart gets broken, you should lift it up to its Maker. No one can mend it better than Him. And another good news is… the warranty never expires. The service center is open 24/7. The hotline is never busy.

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted.” (Psalm 34:18)

God wants you to make him a part of your life – every aspect of it. More importantly, your pain and suffering. Don’t our earthly fathers want us to open up to them and spill to them our secrets? Our heavenly Father is no different, and He can offer us more than just a ready ear and a shoulder to cry on. He offers healing. He offers comfort. Turn over your heart to Him and you will be a changed woman. I know I am.

“The sacrifice you want is a broken spirit. A broken and repentant heart, O God, you will not despise.” (Psalm 51:17)

Instead of looking for love and validation from your man, shift your focus to God. Admit to Him that you did not do a good job of guarding your heart and ask Him to take over it this time. Men will always fall short of our expectations. They won’t be the same today as they will be when you’re already married. Christ, on the other hand, is “the same yesterday, today and forever”. (Hebrews 13:8) You can expect His love to remain steadfast even when you put on weight or when wrinkles start showing on your face.

Shifting your focus on God’s love instead of your man’s changes your perspective on love. It elevates your standards. Knowing how precious God sees and loves you (Isaiah 43:4), you will learn to appreciate your worth and will not just settle for anything less than what God thinks is best for you.

So the next time you pass by that favorite spot in the highway of your mind and you think you’re heading for cryfest again, stop in your tracks. Utter a short prayer. Remember who you are in Christ. You are treasured, favored and beloved in God’s eyes, and no mere mortal should ever make you feel otherwise.

It’ll be over soon, you’ll see.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Letter to my unknown husband

When my friend Tin first learned I was starting a Christian blog, she recommended I read Paul's Ponderings, which she has been following for two years now. One of my favorite posts was about the author's prayers for his "unknown wife." (the articles are now archived under the "singles" category in his blog since he is now married to the love of his life!)

For years, Paul has made it his habit to pray for his then-unknown wife three times every day. Talk about devotion! He cites two reasons for doing this:

"During each time of prayer I say a prayer for my wife. I do this for two reasons. The first reason is to lay her life in the hands of God, teaching myself to trust Him to guide and protect her life. The second reason is to help my heart form an attachment to her, even though we are apart. I need to be constantly reminded that what I do right now will eventually effect her as well."

Upon reading his entries, I immediately fell in love with the idea, and being a single Christian woman, I thought it was just rightful to pray for my future mate. I think it is also a pretty reasonable thing to do. After all, whatever becomes of him will affect the rest of my life as well. Lately, I have been including my "unknown husband" in my prayers too, and I lay it upon God's wisdom to choose the perfect man to be my lifetime partner.

The other night, (Wenesday, September 5, 2012), I wrote a letter to my unknown husband. Here goes:

Dear unknown husband,

A little earlier, I was walking home alone. It was either the full moon or the long conversation I just had with a friend about the future that inspired me to write to you. Whatever it is, I’m really excited to be writing you this letter. There are about a hundred things I want you to know about me. But I think I’ll save that for later. After all, we’ve got the rest of our lives to get to know each other.

I don’t know who you are, what kind of family you were raised into, what course you took up in college, what work you do, what your favorites are, or even how you look. All I’m sure is this: you are my answered prayer.

Since I want a married life that is aligned with God’s will, I’ve recently stopped trying to look for the qualities I want from every prospective, single guy I meet, hoping that he’d be “the one.” I realized that every attempt to control my love life ends in frustration, regret and futility. Finally taking a cue from the Bible, I learned to “be still” (Psalm 46:10) and wait for that one man God has been preparing for my mate. Instead of dictating the specifics, I prayed to God to take the pen from my hands and start writing my love story as He wishes. I surrender completely to His bidding, knowing that He knows what’s best for me. Trusting fully that God’s will is always “good, pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2), I’ve learned to expect nothing less from the man the Lord has chosen for me – you.

When I pray to God for you, I do not ask Him for your eyes to be blue, or for you to have a law degree, or a big house and a hotshot car. When I pray about you, I pray for one thing. I ask God to bless my life with a man who loves Him more than anything in the world. I pray for a man with whom I will share a love that pleases God. I want not just any relationship, I want one that will endure. I want the kind of union that will serve and honor God. I want to be one-half of a couple whose life testimony will inspire and influence others to be the same.

I want a man whose first love is the Lord.

I want to build a relationship with Christ in the center. I’ve seen too many relationships broken because they have laid out their foundations on unstable ground. I don’t want to commit the same mistake. That is why I refuse to settle for anything less than a God-ordained relationship. A couple whose relationship is one that is deeply-rooted in Christ is "like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built." (Luke 6:48; NLT)

With Christ as the cornerstone, our home will be made of solid-rock foundation – one that is anchored in high moral and spiritual values. Our love, which comes from the Lord, is deep and true. I know I can trust in you to protect me and love me even as our hairs turn grey or if I put on some weight. And you can trust me to remain faithful and serve you all the days of our lives.

I promise to be your partner and friend first, wife second. I will eagerly listen to you when you rant about your day’s work, or when you simply want to tell a joke. More than being a wife who feeds you well, massages your tired body and makes you feel good about yourself, I promise to support you in everything you do, even when it sounds overly absurd or ambitious. I'll forever be your number one fan. Above all, I promise that you will have a wife who will always love you no matter what. A wife you could go home to and feel loved and secure every single time.

I want no one else but you.

I do not mind waiting. Take your time. Be all that you want to be. Savor life and all its possibilities. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way while I do the same. You are God’s gift to me. And I know that the Lord has saved our meeting for a special time – that is, when we are both ready. Right now, I am using this season of waiting to be the perfect gift to you as well. Please know that I am committing myself to you. I am saving my heart and self only for you. I want to be the wife you will be proud of and thankful for.

For now, I surrender my heart to God for safe-keeping. He’ll guard and nurture it for His appointed time. I know that He will guard it dearly and will not just hand it over to anyone but you. Rest assured in this. The wait could take months or years, but knowing what wonderful gift awaits me… a long and fruitful married life with you, I know it will be so worth it.

Wherever you are right now, may God keep you cloaked in His love and protection. And I trust that God, in His perfect time and season, will bring us together. In the meantime, I pray that the Lord will help both of us get prepared for that joyous occasion. I wait for that day in happy anticipation.

Take care, my love.

Loving you already,
